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多多罗询价助手: A Convenient Tool for Engineering Budget Inquiry

多多罗询价助手 is a Chrome add-on designed to facilitate the process of engineering budget inquiry. With this add-on, users can quickly and automatically search for quotations, as well as export the results to Excel, giving them an edge in bidding.

The key features of 多多罗询价助手 include:

  • Automatic Search: The add-on supports automatic searching of material keywords.
  • Online Viewing: Users can easily view the selected material information online.
  • Excel Export: The add-on allows for the export of inquiry results to Excel.

To use 多多罗询价助手, simply follow these steps:

1. Click on the browser's tool button located in the top-right corner and upload your prepared Excel file. The Excel file must contain headers and the list of material keywords you wish to search for, starting from the second row.

2. In the pop-up window, select the column name in the Excel file where the keyword list is located. Once confirmed, the add-on will start the automatic search.

3. On the search result page, manually select the desired material items using the provided export options. The add-on will then automatically perform a second material search.

4. Once all material searches are completed, the add-on will display a prompt.

5. Use the tool panel on the left to view the selected material data and export it to Excel.

Please note that versionof 多多罗询价助手 includes a manual update download link for users of Chinese browsers that do not support immediate updates of Chrome add-ons.

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